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Call Girls In Kolkata | Best Escorts Service In Kolkata | Safe & Genuine Call Girls In Kolkata by jessica Rated: G [Reviews - 789]
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Ganondorf Dragmire ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 12 ]
Published: Nov 21, 2018 | Updated: Nov 21, 2018
pokemon in hyrule by wevil_hamrock Rated: G [Reviews - 252]
Summary: Link was sleeping when he heard screaming.He put on his tunic and went out side.He drawed his sword and saw that weird creatures were burning kokiri forest!He then saw saria being kidnapped by a creature. Then he saw zelda killing some creatures.He climbed down the ladder and ran to zelda.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (cartoon), Zelda (cartoon) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 10 | Completed: No | Word count: 24 ]
Published: Apr 30, 2004 | Updated: May 09, 2004
Sweet Dreamers by Sage of Light Rated: G [Reviews - 6044]
Summary: This is a very sweet story about Link and Zelda's first date. (I'm a purist and I'm against Link and Malon, Saria, Ruto or Nabourro But they can still be friends!)
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 581 ]
Published: Mar 25, 2004 | Updated: Mar 25, 2004
#zeldachat by Elflord Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 179]
Summary: I got bored, and then thought; what if all the Zelda characters were members of a chatroom? And I went from there. It's short too, by the way.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 869 ]
Published: Jul 08, 2005 | Updated: Jul 10, 2005
ترجمة فرنسي عربي by nervanaalsun Rated: PG [Reviews - 31]
Summary: ترجمة فرنسي عربي معتمدة من وزارة العدل الإماراتية وجميع المصالح الحكومية. مترجم قانوني فرنسي لترجمة جميع وثائقك القانونية.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: None ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 330 ]
Published: Jul 06, 2022 | Updated: Jul 06, 2022
拜爾樂威壯的著名支出 by amlee Rated: G [Reviews - 10]
Summary: 樂威壯是一種非常強效的PDE-5抑制劑a292;憑藉著起效迅速a292;勃起硬度高a292;安全無依賴a292;幫助使用者共同抓住激情時刻a292; 另外樂威壯壯陽藥也被全球男性權威專家認定為安全z89;健康z89;高效並且無副作用的男性ED治療藥物z90;樂威壯效果不僅 可以幫助男性提高性生活治療a292;對延長性愛時間也有著非常立竿見影的效果a292;而很多體驗過樂威壯的消費者表示a292;樂 威壯是他們見過最為有效的a292;也是最為滿意的男性保健品a292;絕大多數的樂威壯使用者首次使用樂威壯就能夠起到一個 非常滿意的效果a292;而且藥效可長達12小時a292;從當天傍晚服用後到第二天凌晨都可讓你擁有完美性生活z90;樂威壯服用心 得分享台北(643;先生a306;我是屬 於中度勃起障礙患者a292;在安利藥房的指導下a292;我第一次服用樂威壯a292;大約服藥後20分鐘左右小腹就 感覺有(670;暖暖的感 覺a292;期間並沒有什(636;不良反應a292;倒是心跳比平常快了一(670;a292;也有可能是心裡因素a292;總之我服用樂威壯後並沒有感覺到 任何的不適a292;而在與另一半的調情中弟弟很快就勃起了a292;而且硬度達到了前所未有的那個暴漲的感覺a281;那一夜做完一 次後a292;大約過了20分鐘後又來一次a292;真的沒有感覺到任何不適a292;而且勃起的速度很快a292;非常堅挺a292;直到第二天早上 a288;中間過了10小時a289;a292;又跟另一半來了一次a292;這時候弟弟依然堅挺a292;到現在我一直都有服用樂威壯a292;非常不錯z90; 桃園張先生a306;我在安利藥房的建議下服用了樂威壯20mga292;在我沒服用之前a292;我勃起是比較困難的a292;如今我感覺到20mg 剛好a292;樂威壯給我感覺真的是非常不錯a292;藥效時長也夠a292;每次跟我女友去做羞羞事之前我總是會提前吃好樂威壯a292; 真的服用完樂威壯後只要心裡有一(670;(670;邪念就會讓我的弟弟瞬間起立a292;而服用樂威壯後每天早上都 會出現晨勃a292;一起床就會感覺到很爽a292;很高興z90;樂威壯這類藥物主要是通過抑制人體陰莖海綿體內 降解cGMP的磷酸二酯酶5型a288;PDE5a289;a292;增加性刺激作用下海綿體局部內源性的一氧化碳的釋放a292;從而刺激達到自然勃起a292;不管是勃起起效速度還是持久時間藥效 都算非常不錯的z90;樂威壯特(670;a306;1.樂威壯a293;強效z89;高選擇性的PDE5抑制劑a292;與威而剛和犀利士相比a292;樂威壯藥效最強a292; 治療選擇性最高z90;2.樂威壯起效迅速樂威壯10分鐘即可起效a292;大多數男士服用25分鐘內起效a292;是同類產品中起效最快的a292; 能令患者對自己的 性功能充滿信心z90;3.樂威壯長期可靠有效經研究證實a292;樂威壯不僅藥效持久a292;而且長期服用樂威壯的患者性交成功的 比率高於90%z90;4.樂威壯藥物時間窗合理絕大多數的樂威壯使用者首次使用用藥就能得到滿意的效果a292;而且藥效可長 達12小時z90;從當天傍晚到第二天清晨一直可以擁有完美的性生活z90;5.樂威壯勃起硬度好樂威壯能讓患者勃起更容易a292;硬 度更高a292;明顯優於其他同類產品z90;因此有接近半數的患者最喜歡樂威壯z90;6.樂威壯是糖尿病ED患者的最佳選擇樂威壯對 糖尿病合併ED的治療效果非常顯著a292;有超過70%的此類患者服藥後勃起得到明顯改善7.樂威壯顯著改善伴侶雙方性交滿 意度最近完成的一項研究表明a292;在使用樂威壯治療12周之後a292;ED患者伴侶雙方均對樂威壯的治療感到滿意a292;樂威壯提高 了伴侶雙方對勃起功能z89;性交和性高潮的滿意度a292;增強了他們對自己性功能的信心8.樂威壯 具有良好的耐受性樂威壯有 良好的耐受性a292;不良反應大多很輕微的 z90;[url=](643;金威哥[/url] [url=]一想就硬[/url] [url=]雙效威爾剛[/url] [url=]液態威爾剛[/url] [url=]必利勁60[/url] [url=]日本藤素[/url] [url=]希愛力[/url] [url=]印度超級必利勁[/url] [url=]拜耳樂威壯[/url]陽痿早洩吃什(636; (643;金偉哥 一想就硬 香港老中醫 瑪卡
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: None ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 165 ]
Published: Apr 02, 2023 | Updated: Apr 02, 2023
7 years past by Skullkid07 Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 12220]
Summary: during the years that link was in the chamber of sages what went on in hyrule? well my story clears alot of stuff up like why dont you see kapora gabora (the owl) in the future? or how come hyrule isnt screwed up so bad? read my story to find out
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 6 | Completed: No | Word count: 3638 ]
Published: Apr 19, 2005 | Updated: Apr 30, 2005
A Cure for Boredom by Alex Hemming Rated: G [Reviews - 85]
Summary: This story has a rediculously unoriginal plot: two girls somehow stumble upon Hyrule and help save it from being distroyed by some evil darkness. It's better than it sounds, but just to warn you, I did put myself in this fic. In fact, this is probably the most flameable a fic can be. But, as the title explains, this story is a cure for boredom: my boredom, and the boredom of anyone who reads this. Because it isn’t boring… at least, I hope it isn’t. You be the judge of that.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 6538 ]
Published: Jul 21, 2005 | Updated: Aug 13, 2005
A day at lake hylia by Abyss Knight Rated: G [Reviews - 2935]
Summary: link and zelda goes to lake hylia but find a legendary knight is he oen of the priem knights read to ifdn out (this is directly from my story on my penname is Dracorath?
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Zelda ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 4 | Completed: No | Word count: 2542 ]
Published: Sep 14, 2011 | Updated: Sep 26, 2011
A Day in the Life by Atchika Rated: G [Reviews - 1140]
Summary: Sometimes I wonder what makes a character do what they do. This is my way of guessing. More or less random one shots. Odd bits of character studies I do from time to time, when I just cant think about the main fic anymore. Together they add up to a whole day.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (WW) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 5 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 4737 ]
Published: Sep 21, 2004 | Updated: Sep 28, 2004
A Dimension Of Worlds by hypercaik Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 3979]
Summary: got inspiration from Underdog ash's story. hope you enjoy.
COMEDEH. (warning: might contain cliche's and utter mayhem)
(im a brony.) Any ratings message me on steam :D or on my second account: (that guy in your toilet)
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoT & MM) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 3 | Completed: No | Word count: 1196 ]
Published: Oct 27, 2011 | Updated: Jan 14, 2012
A Forbidden Love 1 by inferno epona Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 147]
Summary: Princess Zelda has been forced to marry a prince from a distance land by her father, the King of Hyrule. But zelda had feelings towards someone else, a hero that onced saved Hyrule from doom, his name is Link. Link also has feelings towards Zelda, but wishes not to say anything for it might ruin their friendship. WARNING : Has sextural scenes and low course language that may offend.
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (ALttP) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: No | Word count: 36953 ]
Published: Apr 20, 2005 | Updated: Apr 20, 2005
A Fun Lemon for Zelda, Malon and Nabooru by Tory Jessica Rated: NC-17 [Reviews - 3345]
Summary: OK, this is to let you guys know I'm still alive and I am working on chapter three of Shadows Beneath Her Skin, it's just I've hit a small writers block and I'm chisiling my way through it ok. EXTREME SEXUAL CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!
[ Categories: Fan Fiction | Characters: Link (OoS & OoA) ]
[ Genres: None | Warnings: None ]
[ Chapters: 1 | Completed: Yes | Word count: 1649 ]
Published: Aug 22, 2005 | Updated: Aug 22, 2005